
This guide contains detailed installation instructions for Linux and Windows. A detailed guide for OSX will be added soon. If you’re not proficient with installation procedures in Python, we suggest that you stick close to the installation guide.


This guide is based on (K)ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, 64bit. It works also on (K)ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, 64bit, the only difference is the installation of PySide which is a little bit tricky in both cases.

Maverig comes with a demo scenario which can be used to check if the installation is working correctly. The maverig demo requires some simulators included in mosaik-demo. For that we install mosaik-demo first.

As common in Python we use virtualenv to create virtual Python environments to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places. You can find more information in this guide to virtualenv. We will install maverig and mosaik-demo into a virtualenv called maverig. We also need a folder where we put maverig and mosaik-demo. Put these folders were you usually keep your source code. In the following we assume that this is a folder called ~/Code/.

Installing mosaik-demo

  1. Maverig and the mosaik-demo require Python >= 3.3. Ubuntu ships with Python 3.4, so this is okay. We also need pip, a package manager for Python packages and virtualenv as mentioned above:

    $ wget
    $ sudo python
    $ sudo pip install -U virtualenv
  1. Mosaik-demo requires the libraries NumPy, SciPy and h5py. We also need to install the version control tool Mercurial. You can use the packages shipped with Ubuntu. We use apt-get to install NumPy, SciPy, and h5py as well as Mercurial.

    $ sudo apt-get install mercurial python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-h5py
  2. Now we need to create and activate a virtual environment for maverig and its dependencies. The common location for virtualenvs is ~/.virtualenvs/:

    $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --system-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/maverig
    $ source ~/.virtualenvs/maverig/bin/activate

    Your command line prompt should now start with (maverig) and roughly look like this: (maverig)user@kubuntu:~$. The flag –system-site-packages makes sure that the packages installed with apt-get can be used inside the virtualenv. The -p option makes sure that a Python3.4 interpreter is used inside the virtualenv. Without it the standard interpreter, which is Python2.7 in Ubuntu 14.04, would be used.

  3. You can now get the mosaik-demo repository by cloning it into a folder where you store all your code and repositories. As mentioned above we’ll use ~/Code/:

    (mosaik)$ mkdir ~/Code
    (mosaik)$ hg clone ~/Code/mosaik-demo
  1. Now we need to install all requirements (mosaik and the simulators) for mosaik-demo and can finally run the demo:

    (mosaik)$ cd ~/Code/mosaik-demo/
    (mosaik)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
    (mosaik)$ python

    If no errors occur, the last command will start the demo. The web visualisation shows the demo in your browser at http://localhost:8000. You can click the nodes of the topology graph to show a time series of their values. You can also drag them around to rearrange them.

    You can cancel the simulation by pressing Ctrl-C.

Installing maverig

1a. This point is only for (K)Ubuntu 14.04. For (K)Ubuntu 16.04 refer to 1b.

Maverig requires PySide, a Python binding for Qt. Unfortunately the required version of PySide (1.2.2) is not available for Ubunutu 14.04 via apt-get so we have to build it ``manually´´. The build requires a number of prerequisits that we can install using apt-get:

(maverig)$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev build-essential cmake libqt4-dev libphonon-dev python2.7-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev qtmobility-dev

Now we can build PySide in our virtualenv.

(maverig)$ pip install PySide==1.2.2

The build requires some time, don’t get impatient.

For some reason PySide’s post install script is not executed properly, so we have to do it manually. If you installed everything on its default locations, as described above, you execute the script as shown below, else you have to adapt your path.

(maverig)$ python ~/.virtualenvs/maverig/bin/ -install

1b. This point is only for (K)Ubuntu 16.04. For (K)Ubuntu 14.04 refer to 1a.

Maverig requires PySide, a Python binding for Qt. The required version of PySide (1.2.2) is available for Ubunutu 14.04 via apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyside

For some reason egg-info isn’t installed properly so that pip cannot find the installed PySide version. We have to install the egg-info manually. We find it in the PySide distribution.

$ cd ~/Code
$ wget

Extract the source distribution

$ tar -xvzf PySide-1.2.2.tar.gz

Now we have to copy the egg-info into the site-distribtution folder. If you followed the standard rules and everything is installed in default locations you can use the following command, otherwise you have to adapt your path.

$ sudo cp -r ~/Code/PySide-1.2.2/pyside_package/PySide.egg-info /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
  1. From this step on the guide is for both Ubuntu versions, 14.04 and 16.04. Next step is to get the maverig source code and to install the remaining requirements.

    (maverig)$ hg clone ~/Code/maverig
    (maverig)$ cd ~/Code/maverig
    (maverig)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. After all these preparations we are finally able to install maverig itself.

    (maverig)$ pip install maverig
  3. If no error occured we can now start maverig.

    (maverig)$ maverig

    You’ll find a demo scenario in maverig (file|open, go to folder scenarios, select demo.mvrg). If you open it and start the simulation (simulation|run or F5) you see the animation. You can click on any element to see further information about it on the left side. For the use of maverig consult the manual.


This guide is based on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

Maverig comes with a demo scenario which can be used to check if the installation is working correctly. The maverig demo requires some simulators included in mosaik-demo. For this, we install mosaik-demo first.

As common in Python we use virtualenv to create virtual Python environments to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places. You can find more information in this guide to virtualenv. We will install maverig and mosaik-demo into a virtualenv called maverig. We also need a folder where we put maverig and mosaik-demo. Put these folders where you usually keep your source code. In the following we assume that this is a folder called Code that is located in your user directory.

Installing mosaik demo

  1. Mosaik and the demo scenario require Python 3.4. You can find the Windows installer here. Select the correct Python 3.4 version for your operating system (32 or 64 Bit).

    1. When the download finished, double-click the installer.
    2. Select Install for all users and click Next >.
    3. The default installation path is okay. Make sure that the installation path does not contain any blanks. Click Next >.
    4. In the Customize Python page, click on the Python node and select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive. Make sure that Add python.exe to Path is enabled. Click Next >.
    5. When Windows asks you to allow the installation, allow the installation. Wait. Click Finish.

    This also installs the Python package manager pip.

  1. Download and install Mercurial. We recommend to use TortoiseHg. Download the correct version for your operation system and follow the installation assistant.
  1. The version of pip that comes with Python 3.4 is quite old, so we have to update it. Open a terminal window: Press the Windows key (or click on the start menu) and enter cmd. Your terminal prompt should look like C:\Users\yourname>.

    Upgrade pip by:

    C:\Users\yourname>python -m pip install --upgrade pip

    Make sure that Python and Mercurial is installed correctly by checking its versions.

    C:\Users\yourname> python --version
    C:\Users\yourname> pip --version
    C:\Users\yourname> hg --version

    Depending on the versions you installed your console window should show something like this:

    C:\Users\yourname>python --version
    Python 3.4.4
    C:\Users\yourname>pip --version
    pip 9.0.1 from c:\python34\lib\site-packages (python 3.4)
    C:\Users\fschloegl>hg --version
    Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 4.2.1)
    (see for more information)
    Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Matt Mackall and others
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

    If you get error messages the program(s) is(are) not installed correctly. In most cases the environment variable PATH is not set correctly.

  1. As mentioned above we need to create a virtualenv called maverig. The common location for virtualenvs is under Envs/ in your users directory:

    C:\Users\yourname> pip install -U virtualenv
    C:\Users\yourname> virtualenv -p c:\python34\python.exe Envs\maverig
    C:\Users\yourname> Envs\maverig\Scripts\activate.bat

    You can drop the command line argument -p if you have only one installed version of Python. If you have several versions of Python the path after -p has to point at the respective Python executable.

    Your command line prompt should now start with “(maverig)” and roughly look like this: (maverig) C:\Users\yourname>.


    If your Windows account type is Standard User, you need to open the terminal with administarator privileges (right-click the Terminal icon, then open as Administrator). Make then sure that you are in your user directory:

    C:\Windows\system32> cd \Users\yourname
  2. Mosaik uses PYPOWER as grid simulator which requires NumPy and SciPy. Further we need h5py for the database adapter of the demo.

    Christoph Gohlke provides installers for them (NumPy, SciPy, h5py). Select the appropriate files for your Python installation (32bit or 64bit, Python version), e.g. for Windows 64bit and Python 3.4: numpy-1.11.3+mkl-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl, scipy-0.19.1-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl, h5py-2.7.0-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl.

    Use a numpy-version <= 1.11! Numpy 1.12 or 1.13 don’t work.


    Run python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" from the command prompt in order to get the system architecture and Python version.

    If you have a 64bit Windows, but installed a 32bit Python, also use the 32bit versions of NumPy etc.

    Download them into your downloads folder and install them via the following commands:

    (maverig) C:\Users\yourname> pip install Downloads\numpy-1.11.3+mkl-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl
    (maverig) C:\Users\yourname> pip install Downloads\scipy-0.19.1-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl
    (maverig) C:\Users\yourname> pip install Downloads\h5py-2.7.0-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl
  1. Create a folder for your code (if none exists yet) and clone the mosaik-demo repository into it:

    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname> mkdir Code
    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname> cd Code
    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code> hg clone
  2. Now we only need to install all requirements (mosaik and the simulators) and can finally run the demo:

    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code> cd mosaik-demo
    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code\mosaik-demo> pip install -r requirements.txt
    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code\mosaik-demo> python

    If no errors occur, the last command will start the demo. The web visualisation shows the demo in your browser at http://localhost:8000. You can click the nodes of the topology graph to show a time series of their values. You can also drag them around to rearrange them.

    You can cancel the simulation by pressing Ctrl-C.

Installing maverig

  1. Clone the maverig repository into your Code folder:

    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code\mosaik-demo> cd C:\Users\yourname\Code
    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code> hg clone
  2. Install all requirements of maverig:

    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code> cd maverig
    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code\maverig> pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. After all these preparations we are finally able to install maverig itself.

    (maverig)C:\Users\yourname\Code\maverig> pip install maverig
  4. If no error occured we can now start maverig.

    (maverig)$ C:\Users\yourname\Code\maverig> cd maverig
    (maverig)$ C:\Users\yourname\Code\maverig> python

    You’ll find a demo scenario in maverig (file|open, go to folder scenarios, select demo.mvrg). If you open it and start the simulation (simulation|run or F5) you see the animation. You can click on any element to see further information about it on the left side. For the use of maverig consult the manual.